
Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Great Fabric De-Stashing - Now Available on Etsy!

We've just done a massive - and I mean massive - purge of the fabric cabinet and have listed all of the de-stashed treasures in our Shop on Etsy, hoping to find someone who can give them a new home!

All of these fabrics are out of print; many are vintage, some are a bit more recent.  Some of the prints are reproductions, others strongly representative of period motifs, colors, and styles, but all quite acceptable for use in historical clothing and costumes.  Most are 18th century, with a couple of 19th century options thrown in for the fun of it.  :-)  The only reason we've decided to part with all of this is because the stash has gotten WAY out of control and needed some serious taming.  That, and we needed an excuse to buy more fabric and no excuse works better than having room in the cabinet for it!

So if you're in the mood to add something new to your stash (and help us make a bit more room in ours!), check out our new fabric department!

Here's a sample of some of the prints now newly available.  We hope you find something that captures your fancy!