
Friday, August 12, 2011

18th Century Shoemaking Workshop!

I’m sure by now most of you have seen Nicole’s exquisite pair of hand-made silk shoes on her blog, Diary of a Mantua Maker.  I am also confident that many of you have heard that her most competent instructor, Mr. Walker, will be hosting a week-long ladies shoemaking workshop in New York in just a few weeks!  It will be held at the idyllic Eastfield Village near Nassau, NY, August 20-27.  We are both already registered to attend what promises to be an enlightening and fun week.  Believe it or not, there is still time for you to register, too!  Nicole posted a nice overview of what the workshop entails.  If you have any inquiries or curiosities concerning the workshop, please contact us or comment on this post and we will get you in touch with Mr. Walker (due to possible spam issues we are not posting his e-mail address here).  If you are interested in participating, please get in touch posthaste to ensure your inclusion in this most unique opportunity.  For any of you who might not be able to attend the entire workshop or who are interested in learning about working with leather without investing in an entire pair of shoes, a general leather stitching class on Saturday, August 20 is being offered to the public for a nominal fee and is also still open for registration.

For those of you who are unable to attend, be sure to check back here for updates during the workshop!


  1. Oh my. I would love to have attended this. I am so sad for not having seen it sooner...

  2. We had a wonderful time and will be sharing more as soon as we can (still without power and internet at home!).

    I believe Mr. Walker hopes to offer more workshops in the future. Feel free to e-mail us ( your contact information and we will make sure he includes you in any future notices.
