
Monday, February 27, 2012

George Washington Ball 2012

This past weekend, we attended our regiment's annual George Washington Ball to celebrate both the illustrious General's day of birth and the accomplishments of our group over the past year.

5CR George Washington Ball 2012
The ladies...

5CR George Washington Ball 2012
...and the gents.

During the course of the evening, in between much convivial conversation and enjoyment of a fine dinner, we listened to one of our very own members share his experiences with researching and writing a book that is just about to be published in a few weeks.  Dan Kinley's Common Courage: The Campaigns of a Revolutionary War Veteran tells the little-known story of Timothy Percival, a Connecticut farmer and F&I War veteran who took up his arms once again in 1775 to join the fight for liberty.  If you're interested in learning more about Dan's very personal connection to the experiences of this "common" Revolutionary soldier, he will be speaking about his book at the Wilton Public Library in Wilton, CT on 5 April.  He's a fantastic and passionate speaker, so if you live close enough, we highly recommend attending!

The book is scheduled to be released on 19 April, though copies
will be available for purchase at the Wilton Library talk on 5 April.

After dinner concluded and the dancing was well underway, we took a brief break to honor several of our members who have gone over and above the "call of duty" this past year with their dedication to our group and all that it stands for.  This year's recipients of Soldier of the Year and Distaff Member of the Year were a husband and wife team, and we personally thank you both for making us feel so welcome in our first year as members.  Huzzah! and congratulations for honors most highly deserved!

5CR George Washington Ball 2012
Huzzah to the Ss for their unsurpassed dedication over
the past year!  Congratulations!

5CR George Washington Ball 2012
Let the dancing begin!

One of the most fun parts of the evening for us ladies of the distaff was that we got to dress up more than we usually do around the campfire!  Some of the ladies had recently attended a gown workshop and we thoroughly enjoyed admiring their newly finished, beautifully-sewn creations.  Now we just need to come up with more excuses to wear them...:-)

5CR George Washington Ball 2012
With Mistress S in her stunning new gown.

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