
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Under the Redcoat 2013

Under the Redcoat 2013
The declaration of martial law.

Because of two major anniversary events this year (namely Monmouth and Battle of the Hook), our Rev War unit elected not to attend Under the Redcoat this year.  Now that Ashley is living in VA, though, I decided to go anyway on my own, and with her schedule just so happening to work out to allow her both Saturday and Sunday off for the UTR weekend, we were able to enjoy some time together at one of our favorite reenacting events of the year.

Preparing for nooning on Saturday.



This year's UTR was considerably smaller than has been the norm the past several years, and I assume it was for the same reason our regiment had to decline taking part: just too many larger anniversary experiences on the list this year!  Also, with the Gettysburg 150th the very next weekend, I know a lot of the reenactors who typically wouldn't miss UTR who opted to do that instead.  Ashley and I had talked about going to Gettysburg for the battle and then decided not to after the not-too-fun soaring temperatures of last year!




The UTR encampment and guard duty patrol was thus considerably reduced in number, but those who were there still put their best forward with excellent demonstrations and enthusiastic guest engagement.  I have to admit, though, that it did feel a bit strange walking down Duke of Glouchester Street and only getting stopped once - and by an exceedingly friendly group of guards, nonetheless!  Much different from the usual strict questionings, mandatory searches, and stern glares one is typically subjected to at check points in UTR British-occupied Williamsburg in the past! 

Guards keeping watch over the entry points to the occupied city of Williamsburg.

But we certainly had a lovely time over the weekend, and enjoyed the rare luxury of not having official camp duties to tend to by stopping to visit friends in camp, going to some of the special weekend programming, and strolling around town.  Hopefully next year, we'll be back again in the company of our regiment for even more fun!

Under the Redcoat 2013
Strolling through camp on Saturday.


  1. UTR is on my bucket list! Thanks for sharing pictures (though I wish I could see them larger)!

  2. Hi Hillary! So sorry about the picture size - I just activated their flickr links, so clicking on them now should bring you directly to the full-sized images. If that doesn't work, here's a link to the album:

    UTR is such fun, and the best part is that when you go, it isn't just the reenactment to see - you've got the entire town of Williamsburg to explore for days, too! :-) I hope you're able to go next year!
