
Monday, October 29, 2012

Fashions from Godey's Lady's Book, April 1853

It's that time again! As we mentioned in the first post in this series, we recently stumbled across a bound volume of Godey's Lady's Book from 1853. Once a month, I'll post the collection of fashion-related plates and articles that appeared in each monthly issue. You can find the previous months here.

I apologize in advance for the quality of the images. Although I have a scanner, I've discovered that there's no way I can preserve the integrity of the already fragile binding of the book and lay it flat. That means photos are the only options, and even those are difficult to achieve because of the tightly bound pages. I've done my best to ensure that everything is as clear and visible and undistorted as possible, but if there's something you really can't read or see and would like to have clarified, just let me know and I'll see what more I can do. I've set the images up so that if you click on them, they'll link you to their flickr page, where you'll be able to enlarge them all considerably and thus more easily read each one. Enjoy!

Godey's Lady's Book, April 1853 1

"Fig. 1st. - Dress of mousseline, printed in a disposition pattern, the corsage, sleeves, and upper part of the skirt being plain, and the flounces in wreaths of spring flowers, in bright and tasteful grouping.  The sleeves are quite short, and edges with a bright brocade ribbon to correspond with the heading of the flounces.  The waist is in full folds from the shoulder to the girdle, which is also of brocade ribbon.  Straw bonnet, with a wreath of sweetbriar inside the brim.

Fig. 2d. - Walking-dress of camel's hair cashmere, a white ground, with small French-blue figure, simply a knot of leaves.  Small white mantilla, edged with gold-colored figured ribbon.  Bonnet of white crape and silk mixed with straw-colored satin ribbon.  A fold of blonde falls inside the brim, and is caught by delicate field flowers of white and straw color."

Godey's Lady's Book, April 1853 2
A crochet lady's bonnet, "suitable for the seaside or
country," and a flower mat.  See full descriptions and instructions
in the second, third, and fourth images below.

Godey's Lady's Book, April 1853 3
Boy's tunic dress and...

Godey's Lady's Book, April 1853 4
...the pattern for it.

Godey's Lady's Book, April 1853 5

Godey's Lady's Book, April 1853 6
Several patterns for embroidery.

If you'd like to use or re-post or share these images, you're certainly welcome to do so. The only thing we ask is that credit is given where due: please provide a link back to this blog with the re-posted picture. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh oh oh, those are fantastic images! Thank you for sharing! Gorgeous!!!
