Welcome to our blog! Here, we will be sharing stories, experiences, and various intriguing tidbits about our interests in living history and historical interpretation, period costuming, and anything else curious and exciting that might come to mind. Please feel free to leave comments and to contact us with any inquiries.
As my first post, I would like to encourage all readers to consider signing this petition to save the Old Barracks Museum in Trenton. Despite almost a hundred years of state precedent, New Jersey Governor Christie has proposed eliminating funding for a number of historic sites and parks, most notably the Barracks, which is a National Historic Landmark. The Museum has already been forced to cancel several of its popular programs, including the Summer Day Camp and (one of our personal favorites) the Remember the Ladies weekend. With such a substantial cut in funding, it is likely the Barracks will be forced to close completely. Not only will this take away invaluable experiences for people of all ages and backgrounds to relive the past, it will also close one of the oldest and most treasured artifacts of our collective national history.
Since its construction in 1758, the Trenton Barracks has been in continuous use in various capacities. It played an active role in the French and Indian War and was an integral site during the Battle of Trenton and throughout American Revolution. Following the Revolution, it served as individual housing units and even a school. In 1902, the Old Barracks Association was formed to start a museum and to begin restoration of the original building and its grounds. Archaeological technology has enabled a complete study and restoration over the past few decades, and today it brings history to life for all who visit through a variety of interactive interpretive programs. As the Barracks continue to stand, surrounded by the city of Trenton – the last remaining building of its kind in the country – it serves as a reminder of our past and as a beacon of hope for our future – if we have the motivation and the courage to preserve it.
Please visit the Barracks website at http://www.barracks.org/ to read more about its history and programs, and to learn how you can help.
As my first post, I would like to encourage all readers to consider signing this petition to save the Old Barracks Museum in Trenton. Despite almost a hundred years of state precedent, New Jersey Governor Christie has proposed eliminating funding for a number of historic sites and parks, most notably the Barracks, which is a National Historic Landmark. The Museum has already been forced to cancel several of its popular programs, including the Summer Day Camp and (one of our personal favorites) the Remember the Ladies weekend. With such a substantial cut in funding, it is likely the Barracks will be forced to close completely. Not only will this take away invaluable experiences for people of all ages and backgrounds to relive the past, it will also close one of the oldest and most treasured artifacts of our collective national history.
Since its construction in 1758, the Trenton Barracks has been in continuous use in various capacities. It played an active role in the French and Indian War and was an integral site during the Battle of Trenton and throughout American Revolution. Following the Revolution, it served as individual housing units and even a school. In 1902, the Old Barracks Association was formed to start a museum and to begin restoration of the original building and its grounds. Archaeological technology has enabled a complete study and restoration over the past few decades, and today it brings history to life for all who visit through a variety of interactive interpretive programs. As the Barracks continue to stand, surrounded by the city of Trenton – the last remaining building of its kind in the country – it serves as a reminder of our past and as a beacon of hope for our future – if we have the motivation and the courage to preserve it.
Please visit the Barracks website at http://www.barracks.org/ to read more about its history and programs, and to learn how you can help.