Welcome to our blog! This is an eclectic collection of posts reflecting our interests in history, reenacting, period fashion and dance, and all sorts of related little tidbits that may bring amusement to ourselves and our readers. Our first and deepest love is the eighteenth century, but we're increasingly reaching deeper into the nineteenth century and thoroughly enjoying the journey.
Please feel welcome to email us with any questions, comments, or insights. We can be reached at
fashionablefrolick@yahoo.com, and would love to hear from you! We love to hear from others with similar interests!
A Bit about the Authors
When she's not absorbed in a busy teaching and research schedule, Rebecca enjoys losing herself in studying and recreating the fashions of the past. Her other passions include English country dance, musical theatre and opera, fabric shopping, and indulging in period costume films.
Ashley recently moved to Virginia to pursue a new
career in public history. She is
currently working at a living history museum, interpreting eighteenth century life and teaching the public about local and national history of the
Revolutionary period. Aside from her
work, she enjoys many eighteenth-century pursuits including English
country dance, music, sewing, and reading. She has also recently developed a passion for genealogy.