Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Latest Blogiversary Addition: A "Travel" Page!

Many thanks to those of you who participated in our blogiversary survey!  We take all of your feedback to heart and will work hard to try to integrate it as much as possible to help make your reading experience here as pleasant as we can.  :-)  Don't forget to join us on Facebook by clicking the button to the right.  There you'll find frequent in-progress project updates (right now, we're working on a shortgown!), extra fashion- and history-related resources and links, and immediate notification when new posts arrive.  And we still have a couple more special blogiversary surprises in store - and you'll learn about those there as well!

Today, we'd like to introduce the next in our series of blogiversary additions to the site: a "Travels" page to help organize the numerous profiles of historic sites and museums that we've visited over the years.  Here you will find easy access to a collection of reviews of both familiar and little-known places of historical and fashion-related interest, and we hope you'll find inspiration for some of your own future journeys there!  Multiple new site visits will be added to the page soon, so keep checking back!