Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Fashionable "Silk Saturday" at Colonial Williamsburg

Colonial Williamsburg milliner's shop

For those of you more interested in the pretties/costume side of last weekend, and less intrigued by the camp/military side of things, this post is for you!  Occassionally, the ladies of Colonial Williamsburg's Margaret Hunter shop treat themselves (and us visitors!) to a sumptuous display of silk creations on big event or reenactor weekends, and this past weekend was no exception.  "Silk Saturday" reigned in the shop, with the ladies, their shop display cases, and their counters draped in colorful, crisp arrays of shining silks of every variety and fashion.

Apprentice Sarah modeled a striped silk taffeta polonaise jacket and matching petticoat...

Colonial Williamsburg milliner's shop

...while this young lady, adorned in a stunning pink poloanise gown edged with silk gauze trim, and a beribboned silk gauze cap, worked on her new stays across the room, catching the afternoon sunshine.

Colonial Williamsburg milliner's shop

This blue/green striped silk gown (the construction process of which was profiled on the shop's facebook page) was displayed on the counter, it's amazing cuffs just begging to be admired.

Colonial Williamsburg milliner's shop

Colonial Williamsburg milliner's shop

Additional photos from this visit to the shop and from the Prelude to Victory weekend can be found in the weekend's flickr set.


Scene in the Past said...

What yummy pictures! It looks all looks marvelous.

Lindsey said...

Thanks for sharing the photos of the Margaret Hunter shop dresses!

Flooring Contractors Decatur said...

Thanks ffor sharing

safe-playground-2024 said...

Ez lesz az én napom vége, de mielőtt véget érne...
olvasom ezt a nagyszerű cikket, hogy növeljem a tapasztalataimat.